• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Meetings and Webinars

A Service of GoodClix.com

July and August were very busy months for me.

I did two events for my National Association of Parliamentarian groups. One was for NAP District 8, a regional collection of associations from Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah in the US, plus an association in China, and unattached members of NAP in Japan and the Northern Marianas. We sent out invitations far and wide in NAP, and had registrants from all NAP districts! Three of the senior staff attended… and not just a courtesy visit; each of them stayed for most of the 2-day event. See details of the District 8 2021 Conference workshops held on the District 8 website. There were over a hundred in attendance each day, with over 130 total registrations.

The second parliamentarian group was Arizona State Association of Parliamentarians – lovingly referred to as ASAP. Our 50-member state contingent had 30 registrants for our 1-day Annual Meeting event August 21. See more information on the ASAP website.

Lastly, I facilitated a 3-day event of editors of nursing journals. I’m still editing videos from that event! And I’ve been engaged for a follow-on event in another month from the same client, who is now a regular.

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