Here are the Poster Sessions for VNTW 2022:
Day | Poster | Presenter | Title | Video | Poster | Breakout Room |
1 | 1 | Brenda Lohri-Posey | Nursing Theory: Science and Art without Boundaries | Video | soon | 1/Lohri-Posey/Science And Art |
1 | 2 | Kerry Drabish | Coexisting by letting go of the boundaries of gender | soon | soon | 2/Drabish/Gender Boundaries |
1 | 3 | Matthew Hottle | Transcending Health Values: An emerging concept | soon | soon | 3/Hottle/Transcending Values |
1 | 4 | Mona Pearl Treyball | Military Nursing Practice Grounded in Theory of Service Beyond Self | soon | soon | 4/Treyball/Military Service |
1 | 5 | Somi Panday | Barriers to Health Care Seeking Practices Among Nepalese Women Experiencing Urinary Incontinence | soon | soon | 5/Panday/Nepalese Women |
1 | 6 | Serdarevich | Challenges for Nursing Education during COVID – 19 pandemics | Video | soon | 6/Serdarevich/Nursing Educ Covid |
1 | 7 | Zhanette Coffee | New Holistic Theoretical Framework to Inform Interventions for Chronic Pain Patients | soon | soon | 7/Coffee/Chronic Pain Framework |
2 | 1 | Annie-Claude Laurin | Theory of Moral Reckoning: The Issue of Repeated Moral Injury in ICUs | soon | soon | 1/Laurin/Repeated Moral Injury |
2 | 2 | Cynthia Clark | Choosing to Retreat from Suffering: A Developing Concept | soon | soon | 2/Clark/Retreat from Suffering |
2 | 3 | Heather Carter-Templeton | The Use of Theory in Literature Reviews | soon | soon | 3/Carter-Templeton/Lit Reviews |
2 | 4 | Heather Coddington | Overcoming remorse to care for self and baby: A developing concept | soon | soon | 4/Coddington/Overcoming Remorse |
2 | 5 | LoriKokoszka | Caring for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease: A fluid and everchanging role | soon | soon | 5/Kokoszka/Alzheimer’s Care |
2 | 6 | Maya Zumstein-Shaha and Kelly Stamp | Where is nursing in the nurse practitioner? | soon | soon | 6/Stamp/Nurse Practitioner |
2 | 7 | Raeann LeBlanc | soon | soon | soon | 7/LeBlanc/Social Change& Justice |
2 | 8 | Shannon Constantinides | To a Centrality of Compassion: Operationalization of the Emancipatory Theory of Compassion | soon | soon | 8/Constantinides/Compassion |
2 | 9 | Walter DeCaro | Development of the HELIS Model | soon | soon | 9/DeCaro/HELIS Model Development |
2 | 10 | Zeyana Al Ismaili | The Intersectionality between Culture and Adolescent Sexual Health: Ways of Knowing Implications | soon | soon | 10/Ismaili/Culture&Sexual Health |
Note that all poster videos are available online here.